A Little History -
Starfyre.org began February 2nd, 2000 as a way for friends
to gather and not be censored/harassed/attacked for minor misbehavior
or for others' enjoyment. We are a laid back kind of net, rarely do
Administrators step in to solve things. Channels are run by channel
founders and rights of founders are guaranteed. Those that don't like
a particular channel's rules, can open their own channel, there's lots
of space on our net. There is NO spyware allowed on our net, nor would
we remain a net if it were ever found. Clone bots, fake id's, mass invites,
general bad behavior and nicknames using 'Serv' are not allowed. Friendly
bots are fine, advertising is fine within reason (no mass spamming)
and porn is strictly forbidden. We won't tolerate net attacks or user
harassment. We believe real life takes priority over any responsibilities
here, that people do have a bad day once in a while and that such cases
are forgivable. We are slow to make big changes and rarely rush into
things. As long as everyone treats this net as home like we do, we will
continue to have a gentler, quieter, off the main road kind of net where
old friends and new friends meet up and enjoy free time together.