Here are some IRC commands you may need, or want to know. These are just a few commands that may be of importance. There are three syntax conventions that you need to remember with IRC commands.
1. All IRC commands begin with the forward slash, "/". Anything else you type is considered text typed to the screen as normal conversation.
2. All channel names begin with a pound sign, "#". There is an exception here. Some channel names will begin with a "&", but those are few and far between and you may never see them in your travels on IRC.
3. IRC is not case sensitive. So you can use either upper, lower, or mixed case letters if you wish in your commands.
/ignore [nick/address] - use to prevent someone from talking to you.
The persons nick or address may be used. ex. /ignore Road
/msg [nick] [message] - sends a private message (whisper) to a user. ex. /msg
ember hello there
/join [#] - use to join a channel. ex. /join #Starfyre
/part [#] - use to leave a channel ex. /part #Starfyre
/leave [#] - same as part ex. /leave #Starfyre
/mode [nick] +i - This is the invisible mode. You are not literally invisible
on IRC. Users on the same channel as you still see you there. You are invisible
to a user who does a /who or /names. A /whois nick, however, will show your
user information and the channels you're on. ex. /mode ember +i
/ctcp [nick] ping - ping is used to determine the amount of time it takes
for your signal (messages) to get to another nick and back in seconds. It
measures the amount of lag time for the message. Excessive lag can make communication
/ctcp [nick] userinfo - the userinfo ctcp function usually gives about the
same information as the finger reply
/ctcp [nick] clientinfo - clientinfo ctcp function will tell you what functions
are active on the nicks' client. Can be useful if you want to know if things
like DCC, ping, or finger are active on their system.